Public Speaking FREAKS Me Out

Which is exactly why I thought it'd be a great idea to participate on the alumni panel for my grad school's info session this afternoon. We're supposed to share our experiences during and after participating in the program and prospective students will be able to ask us questions afterwards.

Can someone please tell me what on Earth was I thinking?? I can't speak in front of three people let alone 15! (Which is exactly why I became a writer.) Sure I thought, "This would be a wonderful opportunity to break out of my shell," but the last time I thought that a strange guy appeared in front of my building ;)

This is pretty much the thought process when I have something I want to say (and it has not changed at all since my high school days):

"Hmm, I have this sorta awesome idea I've been thinking about...Eh, I'll just wait til everybody stops talking and then I'll jump in...Eeeps! Now it's way too quiet. I can't say anything now. Maybe later...Man, just go for it! Nobody else seems to have a problem talking, do they? No. So just say it...But maybe it's a stupid idea anyway. It'll never fly...Yipes! Let me look away so they don't ask me what I think...OMG!! That's what I was gonna say! Of course it's a great idea! Argh..."
Seriously, every single time.

I know the only way to get better at public speaking is by...speaking in public, but I just wish the whole process wasn't so nerve wracking for me.

Wish me luck?

UPDATE: Ok, I'm still alive guys! Luckily there was a classmate of mine as one of the six panelists and he pretty much summed up what we went through very well. Which is good because I fleeewww through my experience. Fleeeewww! And there wasn't anybody there interested in our program in particular. We just sat at a long table up front and there were less than ten students at the session. Hooray! I'd consider this a success, no? (Oh and we got a free t-shirt- hollerations!)
