Handmade Giveaway

It's the first Monday Giveaway! This week's goody comes from yours truly.

Ok, so this happened ages ago (I have an excuse honest!), but back in March I was one of five to win Blythe's handmade giveaway! I still haven't received anything because...well...she still has to make them, but I'm sure whatever it is will be fantastic. The girl is super talented.

Anywho, I didn't want to post this until I knew for sure what I'd make and made them so the winners would receive them quickly. Unfortunately, that hasn't really happened and so here we are. The only thing I know for sure is these cherry tree postcards I painted weeks ago will be a part of the gift.

The rules (lifted straight from Blythe):

The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me. My choice. For you.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.

2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be. It may be a story. It may be photography, I may sew or paint something. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
5- I reserve the right to do something extremely creative.

But there's a catch! You must re-post this on your own blog and offer the same deal to 5 of your own lucky blog readers. So, the first 5 people to leave a comment telling me they are in, win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it.

Any takers? (And yes, you have to have a blog for this one. Sorry non-bloggers! I promise you'll get your chance next week!)

Oh, and happy Monday :)