"I have no idea what I just kissed in there. I hope to God that when all is revealed I didn't end up with a guy who looks like Shrek." Ha!
"He's NOTHING like I imagined. He's the kind of guy you bring home to mom and she'll say, 'He's lovely boy, Lainie. He's a lovely boy.'"
Ok, so far the guys are beyond happy with the ladies' looks. The women...eh, not so much. Do we just have higher hopes and unrealistic expectations when it comes to looks?
Aww! One guy got rejected! After they shared so much with and about each other, she chose not to come out and meet him on the balcony and just left without saying adios. So sad :(
Apparently she just didn't feel that physical attraction once she saw him. I think if they spent more time getting to know each other in the dark, his personality would've trumped his looks and that connection they felt earlier might have had a fighting chance. She still could've given it a shot! Not like she's getting any younger...
Interesting show/ concept. I'll probably try to catch it from time to time!
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Image: ca.tv.yahoo.com