So why the semi-burnout? I remember those endless posts of torment and joy that plagued this blog. The exuberance immediately followed by some weeping, soul-searching piece. At least that constant up and down, love, hate I'd grown used to made me feel alive, somewhat in motion. Nowadays, I feel calmer, lighter, just going from one day to the next without being bogged down by what is, was, could've, would've, should've. Refreshing yes, but different. Instead of explaining why, I'm learning to experience this state of Just Being.
Fun times, but it doesn't help my writer's block! And not just for Dry As Toast, but for my freelancing as well. I have this constant need to churn out new ideas and my wheels are starting to jam. Perhaps it's the bleak season, working from home or the fact that as my own worst critic, I pressure myself too much. Are the best writers really the tortured ones?
Who knows, but it's funny how this current fit of uninspiration at least moved me to write something longer than four sentences. So, what's got your wheels turning these days?