Speed Skater Lunges
Place your hands on your hips and take a comfortable stance with feet shoulder-width apart, head up and torso erect. Step with your right leg out to your side as deep as you can go without moving your left foot. Plant your right foot and bend your knee to 90 degrees. Then, flexing the muscles of your thigh, push yourself back up to standing position and repeat with your left leg. Alternate from side to side. Do 10 reps per leg.
Body-Weight Squat
Place your hands on your hips. From a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, squat down until both knees reach 90 degrees. As you lower yourself, keep lower back slightly arched, your head up and stick your butt out as if you were going to sit on a chair. Be sure that your knees aren't out past your toes as you descend. If they are, you're not moving your glutes back far enough. Once you reach the bottom position, flex your quads, hamstrings and glutes to power yourself back up to standing position.
Cross Country Lunges
Lunge across the living room, moving your arms as if you were cross country skiing. Or climb steps two at a time with a lunging movement, moving your arms to tone your quads, hams and glutes.
Hand Stand Push-Ups
Start with regular push-ups. Put your feet up on a chair and increase the angle until you are doing push-ups from the hand stand position (like pole vaulters do). This works out your chest, shoulders and triceps.
Image: izunotravel.com