Don't Live Like You're Dying

Live like you have something to live for.

Sometimes I feel like I'm shyly shuffling through this existence instead of busting moves; at a constant conflict between believing I can do something great in my lifetime and doubting my ability to create any significant change. So the following list is not just for you, but for me too. It's to remind me that life shouldn't be lived in fear, but rather with intention.

1. Do you truly love what you do? (I do.) If not, why are you spending a single second cultivating your unhappiness? Find your passion, fiercely believe in it and do it. Ditch the self-doubt.

2. Aim to leave the world better than how you entered it. If you could incite action, what would you have us do? Whatever it is, remember it starts with you.

3. Find inspiration around you. Devour life. Celebrate that you've made it this far. Remember that "life is f-ing beautiful" with all its mind-boggling complexities.

4. Would you rather tell or be told? We only have but so much time so put it to good use. Step away from the computer, go outside and experience the world firsthand.

5. Learn something new if not everyday, then every week. See things from a different perspective. Avoid monotony. Allergies aside, it won't kill you to try something new on the menu.

6. Make no room for toxicity. Be it a substance, person, place or idea, decide you deserve better than that and fight hard to move on. Be unbelievably wonderful to yourself.

7. Recognize your limits, but don't let them define you. Need help? Then ask for it! Just remember to pay it forward by helping someone else rise along with you.

8. Laughing is just as important as the rest of your fitness regimen. Find the funny.

9. If someone breaks your heart, pick up the pieces and fall in love again and again. Be fearless. Stop beating around the bush, say what you feel and make sure you're heard.

10. "Nothing will work unless you do," says Maya Angelou. So what are you waiting for?

Image: via (oh, hello friend) you are loved