How Did You Two Meet?

During our California weekend, A.'s family kept asking us how he and I met and I realized that I never really went into detail on that here. Sure I quickly mentioned him after attending a NYC meet-up for 20 Something Bloggers at Fat Cat back in December, but did you know that I was thisclose to walking out before A. came up to me?

I headed to the bar without a clue as to what anyone else looked like. I'd left a comment on the meet-up thread telling the other attendees to look out for a short curly-haired chick with a green jacket and hoped someone would recognize me. Only I get to the place and it's unbelievable crowded. So after making a couple rounds, beer in hand, and even daring to ask one group if they were a part of 20SB (yeah, um, they weren't), I sat at the bar, wishing I could e-mail the only person who knew I'd be there and feeling like a total loser cause I sure as hell wasn't going to ask anymore people if they were part of some social network for nerds. "I'll give this 10 more minutes and then I'm out," I thought.

And there I sat trying to look super cool while forcing myself to drink a giant glass of nasty beer when this tall, thin, geeky-looking guy came up to me and asked, "Are you here for the 20SB meet-up?"


Ok, in my defense, I was sitting ALONE at a bar where I knew NO ONE for like, I dunno, 15 whole minutes! This was my salvation right here. Turns out the man recognized me, but we weren't able to recognize anybody else who attended that night (although A. could have totally lied just so he could have me to himself, that sneaky trickster) so we spent the entire time chatting it up about an endless stream of randomness and having a great time. I only wanted to leave when I realized it was getting harder to keep my eyes open. So we took the train together where I quipped, "Damn kid, you're mad tall," exchanged e-mails and took off running from there. We'd e-mail back-and-forth for hours and it took less than three days for me to realize that this guy was going to be trouble. A very good kind of trouble.

So that's our story. What's yours? How did you meet your current significant other? Juicy stories from the past are also welcome ;)

UPDATE: Check out this post on 20SB's blog!
