This week I'm happy for:
- A low "unread" count on my Google Reader even though I cheated and marked many as "read." What? That thing makes me anxious!
- Having spent a lovely afternoon at the park and crafting with a good and talented buddy. I always feels so nice after talking to her about art and working through our fears. So positive. In fact, she writes these poems and took my profile photo (right) for Anthology's contributors page.
- Homemade lemon chicken with white rice, biscuits and corn.
And a few links from around the web:
WATCH Science comedian Brian Morrow reminisces about his life-long love affair with space travel. P.S. Did you guys catch yesterday's final shuttle launch?
LISTEN Adam Parks streams The Illuminated Mixtapes playlists online, each with an illustrated cover. (via Swissmiss)
TASTE I might have to actually make this pepperoni pizza monkey bread someday.
DO Try to follow the 10 rules in Chris Anderson's Email Charter. Help stop the inbox madness.
MAKE Your very own scratch-offs.