Adeu, Barcelona

I wish I could say goodbye to Barcelona the way Brazilian art director Lucas Jatobá did earlier this year. We finally spent some quality time at the beach and though I feel like we could've hit the town even harder than we did our second day here, sometimes you just need that time away from the crowds to just relax and enjoy each other. Sounds simple, but some of my favorite moments with A. here have been sitting in our hotel room, drinking red wine, making fun of learning the inner workings of tennis and the U.S. Open and chasing each other in the Mediterranean Sea. Last night, we spent hours meandering through the tiny alleyways of the Gothic Quarter until we stumbled upon an amazing street performer singing Italian opera and I made us sit for a bit to enjoy the music. See? I learned my lesson (but this time it was A. who was caught up in taking photos). As we walked past tapas bars and late-night diners, I kept telling myself that stuff like this seems like it doesn't happen in real life. And yet here we are.

Barcelona, you were beautiful and I know you've totally captured A.'s attention. If anything, your women sure did.

So where are we off to next? Only the place that A. and I have always threatened to run off to whenever life got stressful: the French Riviera!