A Chat With: The Notebook Doodles

I've been following The Notebook Doodles for quite a bit now and just had to share for those who haven't stumbled upon it yet. My own notebooks are often filled with scribbles and drawings all along the margins, but this anonymous 20-something doodler takes to Moleskin notebooks with such handwritten artistic flair, it'll probably make your own penmanship look like unrefined chicken scratch. In her collection you'll find scans of notebook collages with quotes, thoughts, and lists paired with torn images, photos, and illustrations. I also love that although she might make some finishing touches on the computer, she's old-school like me in that she starts the whole process with pen, paper, and an idea.

Hi and thanks for chatting with us! My handwriting is pretty neat, but you've just turned yours into this pretty work of art. When did you start creating your notebook doodles?

I started in high school and I've since had a lot of time just learning and improving them as I go along.

How often do you draw and practice on a given week?

It really depends. I can't give a concrete answer because there are some days where I won't doodle at all and there are other days where all I do is doodle.

Tell me a little bit about the process after you get an idea. Do you do it all by hand or on the computer?

I do everything by hand first, with a pen and a notebook and then I'll scan it onto the computer. If I need to tweak anything, I'll do that on Photoshop and that's pretty much the process.

When you're not doodling in your notebook, how do you spend your time?

Drinking lots of coffee and with work obligations, but if I'm lucky, I'll be relaxing, watching my favorite TV shows, doodling, and sleeping.

I know that you can be commissioned for projects. What kinds of work can people hire you to do?

Anything doodle related. And that's a wide range of things from blog banners, posters, postcards, logos, invitations, note cards, and so on.

Right! I saw the posters you created for Enlighten Education that paired your photography with inspiring messages. Do you have any other things you'd like to create in the future or fun projects in store for your followers?

Well, I definitely would hope to keep on creating and whatever comes, we'll just have to see!

If you want to carry around a tiny reminder of your wonderfulness, you can download all of the posters The Notebook Doodles created for Enlighten Education to use as free wallpaper for your phone. Just visit EnlightenEducation.com to choose your favorite one. Or rather ones because I can't decide between "I am free to be my authentic self" and "no matter what today brings." What about you?

Images: thenotebookdoodles.com