Bare: A Sex-Themed Storytelling Series

A. and I are always searching for fun and sexy situations to get ourselves into. From kissing parties (fairly tame) to poly cocktails (typically just to hang with friends) to a night at a Russian banya (that was steamy in so many ways), we're fairly open to checking new things out if only for the stories that arise from those events and to satiate our curiosities. Last night, we attended one of the more tamer affairs that turned out to be pretty damn good: a sex-themed storytelling series in Park Slope's Union Hall.

Bare: True Stories of Sex, Desire, and Romance is a monthly event where storytellers, comedians, and other characters share their salacious tales of naughty encounters. Let me just say that the stories were far more entertaining than they were arousing, but I loved hearing other people's experiences nonetheless. It was really refreshing to hear them talk about sex in its various forms (open/monogamous/poly/LGBT relationships, promiscuity, voyeurism, fetishes, etc.) with such confidence. They owned those stories! Despite the crazy situations they shared, it was all thrown out there with an acceptance that yes, this is who they are, what they've done, how they've done it, and guess what? It was fun as hell. I'm not nearly as brave or risqué, but it was fun to live vicariously through these lovable freaks for an hour and a half - yes, even the self-proclaimed "Smutmeister" who f--ks and drinks her way through Burning Man.

Though I enjoyed attorney/activist Diana Adams' story about an honest and open four-way relationship she was once a part of, our favorite act was comedian Mike Amato and his love affair with a fine "Jew'ish" piece of ass. We liked him so much, I made sure to grab a postcard for his next event which will be a comedy/burlesque/game show called Grab-Ass! at the Bowery Poetry Club Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 10 p.m. 

So are these types of events too "out there" and crazy for you or do they appeal to your kinky side? Either way, you'll know where I'll be next week.