I'm Back! + Hello, 2012 + Monday Inspiration

Hi all, I'm back from Thailand! Unfortunately, I came back a few too many kinds of sick, but am hoping I'm all better in time for my birthday on Wednesday. I can't wait to tell you guys all about the trip, A.'s reaction to my popping up in Bangkok, the best New Year's Eve I've ever celebrated, and hanging out on the island of Koh Phi Phi.

So how has 2012 been treating you guys so far? I'm actually looking forward to whatever this new year has in store for me. Last year was pretty solid, full of ups and downs and lessons on the self, relationship and career fronts, things I'm still learning about, but I love that there's always room for progress so long as I keep putting in the effort. Each day brings new opportunities to discover something else about myself, what I'm capable of, and new things to be grateful for.

Right now I'm just taking challenges as they come, practicing positivity, and trying really, really hard to attempt a risk or two just to keep life interesting. What about you?

Image: pinterest.com