Porcupine Hugs Holiday Cards

I'm so excited to announce that my stationery shop Porcupine Hugs is now open for business! The soft launch for the holidays features three card designs with my hand-drawn illustrations. It's taken me so long to get to this point (can you believe I first dreamt this up back in 2007?!), but I'm super proud to have finally taken this leap. Looking back I can see how I beat myself out of the excitement and motivation simply because I was too nervous about falling flat on my face. Then one day I just woke up and stopped giving my doubts so much air time. Sometimes things just roll into place it seems.

I typically go crazy over all things cute and sweet and papery so I tried to create that feeling with my own company. Over the coming months I'll be prepping to launch a full collection of stationery, paper goodies, and greetings cards for all occasions. For now, get a little taste of what's in store through Porcupine Hugs and get those merry wishes out to your peeps.

Oh, and did I mention there's free shipping involved?