Solar Weather Designy App

If you're like me and live in a city with four distinct seasons that's frequently subjected to Mother Nature's PMS moodiness, then checking the weather is a daily obsession. We check it before walking out the door, before making plans, to see if it's too cold to be looking cute, and if there's some good weather to look forward to in the coming weekend. Not that having two days off isn't good enough, but I think we can agree that two days off and warm, sunny weather is just that much better. A., who's from California, said he never even thought about the weather before moving to New York! "So what on Earth did you talk about with strangers?" I asked.

Solar is a top weather forecast app that uses colors to tell you both temperature and weather conditions. Apart from how pretty the colorscapes look, I like how the screen will flash and vibrate if a thunderstorm is underway and how clean and simple the interface is. Scroll up to see the forecast change throughout the day, pull down for a quick view of the next three days, and swipe or tap the screen to see weather in other cities.

So now not only can I talk about the weather, but how I check it, too, therefore doubling the arsenal in my bag of awkward break-the-ice conversation starters.