Taking Flight

Happy Friday and hello from California! I flew out here a couple days ago to spend some extra time with A.'s family before he arrives tonight and then tomorrow we'll be celebrating his sister's marriage. Even though I'm a bit exhausted (I'm still working through my "vacay" and helping chase after two adorable Energizer bunnies is no joke), I'm loving the sunshine and the little getaway to bond with the family.

I've also got lots to look forward to in the coming weeks. I've signed up for business development and marketing classes from 3rd Ward and General Assembly, a calligraphy e-course from I Still Love Calligraphy, and The Style Lab from Confetti Pop so I can improve my photo styling skills. Plus, I'll be selling Porcupine Hugs goods at the Artists & Fleas market this summer so I'll be busy prepping products to release this coming month.

What do you have planned for the summer? I've realized that the more time I leave open, the less I actually do so I'm looking forward to packing this month in with creativity and productivity. What about you?