Do You Ever Feel Not Enough?

Yesterday I found myself fighting the little "I'm not enough" demons, which is insane really because I just spent an entire week working on an assignment and putting all my efforts into doing an outstanding job. Regardless of what may come of it, it felt good to submit a package of hard work that Friday morning. So why was I focusing on my shortcomings when the last month has been nothing but passion and drive?

Too often we focus on the other end of the line, creating an endless string of goals and living from one milestone to the next. It's always good to be ambitious and to work towards self-improvement, but sometimes I feel like I want to just be loved and wanted for who I am in between all those transformations. Yes, future me will be much more awesome than my current self, but that doesn't mean that I'm any less wonderful right here and now. The same goes for you. I forget that sometimes. I forget that while better would always be nicer, I can live with what I have and who I am now. If I decided to stop morphing today because in my heart I felt that I had become the person I'd envisioned for myself, the world would truly just carry on.

But I'm not quite there yet and beyond following the dots of goals leading me through the next decade, my life has also become a dance between striving for better and being gentle with the person who's taking me there: me. If I don't take care of her now and let her know how much she's appreciated, then where would that leave me in the future? Some people might respond to tough love, silently berating themselves to get them through that next mile, but why hate on the person who's out there sweating and putting in the effort? Don't they deserve some love, too?

Even if there's something more you're aiming for, I think it's okay to say that we're just doing the best we can with what we have and who we are. That's got to count for something.
