
The closer it gets to head off to Burning Man, the more excited I become. I can't believe it's only two weeks until I set foot on the dusty playa and ask myself, "What the hell did I get myself into?" A. and I have already started preparing for the trip and while he just needs to gather the things he acquired for last year's burn, I've had to buy them for the first time. This includes goggles and a face mask for the dust storms, bandanas, a Camelbak to help me stay hydrated throughout the day, lights to stay safe and glowing while biking at night, appropriate shoes (I got these), and even a pee funnel. Before you ask, just understand that I'm not trying to make my way out of our tent, into the darkness, and to the port-o-potties if I have to pee in the middle of the night. Not happening.

Luckily, A. and his sister have amassed most of the camping gear we will need for our week-long stay in the desert including bikes to travel around Black Rock City, but he and I still need to buy toiletries, food, water, a larger tent, and a comfy air mattress to sleep on. I'm sure we'll come to appreciate the little comforts when we drag ourselves to bed exhausted from a long day. I also need to remember that while it might be blazing hot during the day, temperatures plummet at night so a winter coat will be packed in, too. If I have time, I might decorate it in some way, but I've yet to think of how and I don't want my usual fashion mantra, comfort over style, to make me feel underdressed for this occasion.

But that doesn't mean I haven't given any thought at all to costumes. I recently bought a black tutu for the rest of my bee costume and to rock on Tutu Tuesday. Guys, there's a Tutu Tuesday! I think I'm going to love this place. I'm also considering dusting out my floral cocktail dress to attend the Alice in Wonderland Tea Party event there. One can only imagine what that'll be like (live human croquet will be involved), but I'll be sure to return with a full report. There's really an endless string of events, camps, and parties so I hope I can keep up with the madness and not want to knock out at 11pm like I usually do.

Aside from all the partying I'll be doing, there's also a more serious moment I'm looking forward to while I'm there: visiting the temple. I've no idea what this year's design will look like because I want to be blown away when I see it firsthand. I still have to gather the items, thoughts, notes, or whatever symbols I'd like to leave there to burn when the week is over. I'll probably get emotional once I enter the temple and sit and think about the things I'd like to bury in the dust, but I'll be glad to have a hand to hold while I let those bits go.

What would leave to burn if you were visiting the temple?

Image: medium.com