Doodles of a Little Monster

I have to thank my friend the Bantu Girl for recently pointed me towards Kerstin Hiestermann's work, a collection of minimalist doodles integrating found objects and the German illustrator's imagination. Her playful creations typically feature flowers, toys, and line drawings of curious little creatures being up to no good.

"Long ears, two small horns, large eyes, and a crooked grin. The little monster which appears in many of my pictures is the embodiment of the childish mischief maker in me," she says. "And that's the element that turns my minimalist pictures into a story. In the middle of a box filled with strawberries a single one is missing, and the monster sits next to it, its mouth covered in red. I didn't do it."

I also like the she fully admits to not knowing how to draw exceptionally well, but it doesn't stop her from recreating the silly visions that come to mind. To follow along on her monsters' misadventures, follow Hiestermann on Instagram, Facebook, and her blog. This will be a fun addition to my Instagram feed for sure.
