Presale: OMHG 2014 Letterpress Calendar

One of the coolest things about being part of the handmade/creative community are the connections that you develop with other makers. I've mentioned the Oh My! Handmade Goodness community here before and how I've enjoyed participating in their Thursday Twitter chats to talk with others about growing our small businesses. It's been such a useful resource not only for biz tips and advice, but also just relating with others about the ups and downs of striking out on your own. So I joined the OMHG forums a couple months ago and have since found such a supportive group of cheerleaders and teachers in there.

Collaborations are a natural by-product of being surrounded by talented creators and so we're thrilled to announce our latest: a 2014 letterpress calendar centered around the theme of community. We've been at this for months so we're over the moon that our launch day is finally here! We've each designed one month out of the year based on what we felt "community" meant to us (naturally I took my birthday month, January).

Once our designs started pouring in I was just blown away by how good these people are! Seriously, I have much to learn when it comes to graphic design and playing with software rather than paper and paint. Then our artists' blurbs started coming and I realized how human we all are. As an outsider looking in, sometimes it can feel like these names and brands have it all figured out, that everyone's lives are just neatly trotting along this path that allows them to create so freely and passionately. At least that's how I felt before I joined the cool kids, but upon reading the stories behind each design you'll discover that we all have our hopes and struggles made better with the help of others.

To see and learn more about our designs and order your copy, visit
