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So we've just returned from our trip to Chicago and man, what a fun time we had out there. We managed to fill our four days with hours of walking through the city's impressive architecture, trying to stay warm, hanging out with friends and stuffing ourselves with some aaah-mazing food (including repeat trips to a couple spots because even though our time was limited, we just couldn't get enough of them). While I don't think we packed in a boatload of to do's into this trip, it still feels like we covered a lot of ground. A. and I are fairly laid-back travelers and while I do like to have some idea of things to see and do in a new city, we're also happy just roaming around and seeing what interesting things we stumble upon. A. said that other people would probably find us boring since we're not going to shows or out drinking and dancing, but I just think that we have the ability to be deeply entertained no matter where we go together.

I'll be sharing some photos from our latest adventure this week!

P.S. In honor of International Women's Day, which was March 8, Oh My! Handmade Goodness has created a list of 50 Women Who Inspire & Inform and they've included me! It's crazy considering how many wonderful women who've inspired me these last few years are right there alongside me. I'm very honored and have been browsing through the list and finding other survivors and creative entrepreneurs that I need to add to my collection of badass women I need to know.