Aaaaaaaah Topangaaa!!

Tonight A. and I are off to watch

The Lion King

on Broadway

! I got us 2-for-1 tickets during the

Broadway Week

promotion and am excited to finally see this show. Everyone I know who's seen it can't speak highly enough on the artistry, puppetry, and costumes so I cannot wait to experience it for myself. You know I'll be bopping around in my seat singing along. Hakuuuuna Matata!

Watch the cast below as

they serenade some unsuspecting commuters on the A train

in New York City. When this video came out this summer, my sister and I commented on how we ride this train All The Time and all we're treated to are panhandlers, preachers, breakdancing teens, and guitar players. Meanwhile, New York City still owes me a flashmob experience...

P.S. The actual lyrics to the "

Circle of Life

." Also,

the Australian cast singing on a flight

from Brisbane to Sydney earlier this year. Again, I'd take this over crying babies and barking dogs any day.