For the past eight years I've covered breaking news, travel, entertainment, career & money, health, love & sex and other lifestyle topics for newspapers, magazines, websites, books and iPad applications. Below, a collection of some of those stories. You can read my posts/thoughts about the stories written over the last couple of years here. And if you'd like to pitch me an idea or would like me to contribute to your publication, please send me an email at dorkysramos[at]gmail.com. Thanks!

"A Stylist's Design Solutions," Summer 2012 (A tour of Kirsten Grove's Boise, Idaho home.)
"Fun and Games," Summer 2011 (A look into Brooklyn design team Fredericks and Mae.)

Travel + Leisure
"Travel + Leisure Family," March 2011 (A biannual insert for targeted subscribers.) 
"25 Most Romantic Hotels," February 2011 (The 25 most romantic hotels around the world. I wrote on hotels in Jamaica, Spain and Morocco.)

Woman's Day
"A Miami Getaway," March 2011 (What to do and see on a family vacation to the Magic City.)

"25 Ways to Rev Up Your Romance," August 2011 (Creative ways to keep the spark alive.)
"What to Learn from a Breakup," March 2011 (How to use the end of a relationship to take a closer look at yourself and your choices."
"You Can Beat Diabetes," November 2010 (How you can manage your diabetes or prevent it altogether.)
"A Guide to Digital Dating," October 2010 (From sexting to online stalking, here are some new relationship rules.)
"Love Him or Leave Him?" September 2010 (We help you assess four common problems couples face - and whether you can work them out.)
"Your Best Body," May 2010 (How to stay healthy and on track through your 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.)
"Mistaken Identity," April 2010 (The prevalence of Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, amongst Latinas.)

"Survival of the Fittest," March 2010 (How to handle life's unexpected surprises such as identity theft, running into an ex and bad dates.)
"In Due Time," February 2010 (Why more women are waiting to have children and what the consequences could be.)
"Breaking the Cycle," October 2009 (Why breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths amongst Latinas.)
"Love Lessons," March 2009 (How my parents' unsuccessful marriage skewed my view on relationships and what I learned once I was finally in one.)
"Work and Play," February 2009 (Volunteer vacations that let you have fun while doing good.)

Time Out New York
"Cheap Massages and Spa Services," January 28- February 3, 2010
"City Library: Books Being Read by Television Executives," September 4- 10, 2008
"City Library: Books Currently Being Read by Editors at Major Publishing Houses," June 22- 30, 2008


Manhattan Times
"Secrets of their Success: Coogan's adapts to a changing demographic," August 28, 2008
"We Will Survive! LatinaSHARE builds a network of survivors," September 6, 2007
"Oasis parks: A guide to Northern Manhattan's most peaceful retreats," August 16, 2007
"Organization Serves New York's Gay Latino Community," July 26, 2007
"Artist's illustrations enliven hospital," July 26, 2007

The Post-Standard
"Behind the Myth," May 18, 2006
"Archiving Architecture," April 20, 2006
"'You Always Want Better for Your Kid'," March 27, 2006 


Coverage of urban culture, entertainment, fashion and lifestyle news.
"Sheraton New York Gets a $150 Million Makeover," December 26, 2011
"America's Best Family Hotels," July 29, 2011
"Editor Find: Illustrated Maps," July 22, 2011

"Latinas Twice as Likely to Develop Cervical Cancer," January 19, 2011
"New Year, New You: 8 Tips on How to Keep Your Resolutions," January 7, 2011
"Get Smooth Summer Skin," June 1, 2010
"Quick Tips to Improve Your Credit Score," April 15, 2010

"Eight Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt," December 21, 2009
"How to Prevent H1N1," September 10, 2009
"Plan the Perfect Picnic!," June 30, 2009
"How to Enjoy Flowers and Stay Allergy Free," June 5, 2009
"How to Find a Job During a Recession," April 14, 2009

"Home Makeover Series Part 2: How to Get Organized," August 26, 2008
"Home Makeover Series Part 1: How to Choose Color," August 26, 2008
"Use Less Energy, Save More Money," August 1, 2008
"Inquiring Minds: How to Keep Kids Sharp in the Summer Months," July 21, 2008
"What Gynecologists Are Really Thinking," June 23, 2008

"Breaking Up With Your Best Friend - A How-To Guide," December 2, 2009


"Travel + Leisure's Europe: The Places We Love"
"Travel + Leisure's World Greatest Hotels, Resorts + Spas: 2011 Edition"


Travel + Leisure
Travel + Leisure Family, March 2011