A Countryside Photo Shoot: Part 3

My favorite summer outfit this year was this simple black H&M romper. It was so comfy I barely felt it on me and with all that leg for show it could easily be dressed up for a sexy night out. The only issue I had with it is typical of all rompers: when nature calls, the whole thing needs to come down. I like to pair it with these black and gold tasseled flats from Aldo and some funky jewelry to jazz up the all-black ensemble. The Bantu Girl lent me this yellow beaded necklace from Kenya that happened to match quite well with the photo shoot's locale.

A Countryside Photo Shoot: Part 2

For this look, we thought we'd go for sexy. "This will be the August shot for A.'s calendar!" my buddy directed. I wasn't planning on doing any such thing, but after seeing the boyfriend's reaction to the shoot, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all...
Also not a bad idea: getting into larger, dangly earrings. The Bantu Girl let me choose from her colorful accessories collection, which were more fun to wear than my timid little placeholders and not as clumsy as I thought they'd be. What kind of earrings do you usually prefer?

A Countryside Photo Shoot: Part 1

During my visit to The Bantu Girl's house last week, we staged several photo shoots around her Connecticut town. Like I mentioned before, it was a fun ego boost and I got to feel gorgeous day after day. So worth it despite the wretched heat and blazing sunshine. I also noted that I really need to diversify my wardrobe's portfolio. Practically everything was from H&M! Stay tuned for more looks and scenes.

Fashion's Night Out

Once again New York Fashion Week is here and again I'm just as clueless as ever about all the hoopla. What did get my attention this week was the news that Magnolia Bakery will be selling two special treats in honor of Fashion Week: their annual Fashion's Night Out chocolate and red velvet cupcake as well as a new Swarovski cupcake complete with an edible jewel. The latter will be available exclusively at Bloomingdale's on 59th Street from Monday, Sept. 10th to 16th. (Macaron lovers will be treated to a bubble gum flavor later this month when Lanvin and Ladurée team up during Paris Fashion Week!)

I've had better cupcakes than Magnolia's offerings, but the FNO Cupcake, which will be available today, benefits the New York City AIDS Fund in New York and ones sold in their L.A. and Chicago locations benefit Dress for Success so maybe something deep can come out of fashion after all. (Kidding.)

So are you guys partaking in Fashion's Night Out fun today? There's so much going on in the city's shops - free cocktails, makeup tutorials, fortune telling, even a slumber party - that it all sounds a bit overwhelming. But I'm sure it'd be fun to run around town all dressed up and possibly rubbing elbows with a runway pretty face. Though I've heard it's fun to just let the adventures happen serendipitously, here's a listing of all the night's happenings (and a mini hit list) in case you'd rather be a bit more organized than that.

Up next: my own attempt at modeling for a makeshift photo shoot!

Image: cinemagraphs.com

{Happy Friday}

And hello from Connecticut! I'd like to say that I've done nothing out here but relax and take in the slower pace of living, but The Bantu Girl and I have been busy since Toby and I arrived on Tuesday. Last time I visited, we held a photo shoot for her in her aunt's beautiful handmade lesso dresses and this time we've been pointing the camera on me! Granted, my wardrobe is severely lacking on the stylish front, but it's been such a self-esteem boost to pose and smile and pretend I'm on a runway. Like baBAM! I got this! I can't wait to share some of them with you next week.

Have you ever staged a photo shoot with your friends? It's so nice when the other person is just as into photography as I am so we can both have fun no matter what side of the camera we're on. And bonus: I get to dust off my dresses and heels and practice my makeup techniques with someone who's all about that girly girl stuff.