Knock Knock Stuff has an awesome selection of amusing office supplies and stationery sets. Those never-ending to do lists won't seem so dreadful if you write them on say...a To Don't Pad. Or how about leaving that special supervisor in your life a sweet little Go To Hell Nifty Note? There's also a bunch of accessories to make M-F 9-5 feel a little bit more like playtime.
But because those aforementioned pads won't fly at work for most of you (unless you've got a home office situation going on), this week one of you will win the To Do Pad, the 5 Days A Week Paper Mousepad, Stuff/Docs/Bills File Folders and Utility Task Clips from the Make it Work Bundle instead. You know, so you won't be making a mad dash for them if the boss happens to make a surprise visit. Just leave a comment below and a random winner will be announced on Wednesday. In the meantime, enjoy those morning commutes!
CONGRATULATIONS: Execumama is this week's winner!
CONGRATULATIONS: Execumama is this week's winner!