Thailand: Traveling to and Navigating Bangkok On My Own

Isn't it amazing what you're capable of doing when you decide to take a crazy leap towards something daring? That's what I kept thinking on my cab ride to JFK airport the Tuesday night I was to fly out to Thailand. I'd been so nervous in the weeks leading up to the trip that I was almost killing the whole experience before it'd even began.

"Will he be happy to see me?" I fretted. "What if he thinks I'm crashing on his trip when he was looking forward to getting away without me?" All those concerns were squashed when a week after leaving, A. would not stop emailing and sending me messages about how much he missed me and wished I were there. "We'll get our chance, I promise you," I replied. Little did he know that just a week from then, he'd get the surprise of his life. Maybe if he did, he would've let up on contacting me so damn much. It was getting to a point where I didn't how I was supposed to "disappear" for a couple days while I traveled to Bangkok without raising any suspicions. But in a way, him saying all those sweet things made what I was about to do so much better.

I'm not going to lie - that flight took years off my life. The first leg to Jordan took 11 and a half hours and I could barely sleep a wink during that flight. (Note to self: invest in neck pillow.) When I landed near Amman at 5 p.m. the following day, I felt like a wreck, but would need to wait eight hours before I could board my next plane. Surprisingly to me, if you have a long layover, Amman Queen Alia International Airport offers you a voucher for a free shuttle bus ride to and from a hotel room - which is also free! I was a little hesitant at first because with the language barrier and my general skepticism, I didn't truly believe that I wouldn't a) get charged for this service or b) get left behind and miss my second flight. But after a quick scan at the mediocre seating options in the lounge and my inability to get a free WiFi access, I decided to go for it.

"Oh my God, I'm in Jordan!" I smiled to my reflection as I looked at the empty streets whizzing by the bus window. To my left sat Dave, a guy who was also traveling to Bangkok on his own and meeting his girlfriend at their hotel. Honestly I don't even remember if Dave was actually his name, but it is now. I wanted to make a quick note of him because of how easy it was for me to talk and make friends with a stranger. In Europe (as in life), I'd shy away from making contact with people I didn't know. I'd cautiously peer into restaurants and shops from corners so as to not spark any conversation with "others." I was too happy in my little bubble to burst out of my comfort zone, engaging solely with A. and reaching out to someone else only if necessary.

Now here I was talking with another traveler about our journey, our careers, my surprise, and our good fortune at scoring free hotel rooms. We met up again in the hotel lobby before heading back to the airport and even crossed paths while sightseeing in Bangkok.

The Golden Tulip Airport Amman Hotel was nice enough - and being free made it even better. Yeah, maybe I had trouble keying into my room and maybe I had to sit there in the dark with nothing but the bathroom light because I didn't know how to turn the bedroom lamps on, but that's okay. I was able to check in with my sister (who wanted to travel vicariously through me and later stress me out to no end), maintain an online presence (in case A. reached out), nap, and shower. You have no idea how helpful the last two were in preparing me for another eight-hour flight into Thailand.
On my cab ride to Nantra Silom Hotel, I tried taking everything in. Here I was in Asia for the first time, where so little was familiar to me, the language, the scenery, the writing on the highway billboards, the colorful money in my hands, the song this driver was quietly singing. "How long has he been cabbing for?" I found myself wondering. "How's his family? Is it frustrating not being able to communicate with your passengers? I can't believe I made it here…" Not only that, but I was figuring it all out on my own and it was actually pretty easy.

"They're just people," I'd told myself before I left home. (Incidentally, it's also what I tell myself to calm my nerves before interviewing celebrities.) No matter the differences between us, the communication barriers and strange territory, I couldn't be scared of the foreign situation I would find myself in because at the end of the day they are people just like me, willing to lend a hand or point me in the right direction. Understanding that, I'm able to wander and engage with the world with less hesitations.
You know it was all so whirlwind and tiring that I didn't take a single picture until my second day in Bangkok? I landed in the capital city while A. and Ky were off on a side trip to Cambodia and they were to arrive on the night of my second day there. So that meant that I had time to go off exploring Bangkok on my own and I had to - the other two had already seen the city before and I didn't think they'd be too inclined to see all the sights again with me. Upon checking into Nantra Silom, I made fast friends with the Thai girl at the reception desk, Kiki. She lived a few doors away from my room and we later learned that her family owned the hotel line. "We can be friends!" she squealed in the elevator when I told her I was there alone and surprising my boyfriend the next day. "Do you like massages?"

She really was beyond adorable though I never could figure out what she always found so hysterical and wondered if that's just how she masked the fact that she didn't understand what I was talking about.
A five-hour-long nap later, I woke up famished and decided to venture out for food, bottled water, and possibly walk through Patpong, the infamous red-light district lined with bars and women for sale. Or so I've heard because that night my route was diverted when I ran into Kiki returning from her weekly Thai massage and I u-turned back to the hotel with her. I never did get to experience that side of Bangkok during my three nights there and I totally regret it.

But that first night, I spent hours hanging out on the front porch with Kiki and two other guests, Jay and Tony, who were visiting from France. We couldn't always understand each other, but still managed to get to know and eventually poke fun at each other before rolling into Kiki's small room to lounge on the bed and watch awesomely bad pop videos for a couple more hours. The four of us made quite the eclectic group, me with my English and Spanish fluencies and bits of French, the guys with their broken English drenched in heavy accents, and a giggly Kiki teaching the three of us as much Thai as we could handle from underneath her covers.

"How do you say hello?" I kept asking.

"Sawadee mai," Kiki answered.

"And how do you say I love you?"

"Chan rak khun."

"Chan rak khun…" I repeated knowing full well I'd be asking her again before A. arrived.

I returned to my room that first night around 3 in the morning, happy about the experience I'd just had and the fact that I let myself connect with new people at all and eager for the next day to finally arrive.

Thailand: Planning (and Keeping) the Greatest Surprise

Soon after A. and our friend Ky decided to travel through Thailand and Cambodia in December together, I approached Ky with an idea. There was no way I could request three weeks off work so soon after our fall trip through Europe and a vacation of that length just wasn't in my budget, but, I asked, "What if I surprised him out there for New Year's Eve?"

At first I was on the fence about going through with such a crazy plan: I'd have to find my way out there alone and they still hadn't decided where in the country they'd ring in the new year. I wasn't trying to hop on some rinky dink little bus to go search for them in the countryside! What if I got lost out there with no way of communicating with anyone? Luckily, they decided to return to Bangkok to celebrate New Year Eve's before heading south to the beaches for the remainder of the trip. I was to meet them at their hotel, surprise the pants off A., and then travel with them until we returned home together. I bought my expensive tickets (which cost about $1,600) a week after they did.

That was in October, which meant I had to keep the secret for nearly two months. Two months! Mind you I can barely keep a birthday surprise longer than two days. So every time A. went on and on about his upcoming trip, how excited he was, and the itinerary (that I supposedly knew very little about), I had to bite my tongue, ask questions for which I already knew answers to ("When are you guys going to Cambodia again, babe?") and just say that I'll be missing him so much during the holidays this year. You don't know how many times I wanted to yell, "I'm going, too, you fool!" Whenever he'd gush to friends and they'd turn to me and ask what I'd be doing during all that time, I'd reply, "Oh, I don't know. I'm sure stuff will come up."
Whenever Ky and he would meet up to go over trip details and what to pack, I'd tag along under the pretense of wanting to hang out with them. Little did he know that I was making mental notes to bring along a poncho instead of an umbrella, look into anti-malarials, and Google what a tuk-tuk looked like. Bug spray, check. Outlet adapter, check. Only drink bottled water. Pack Pepto just in case. Visa not necessary.

There were some close calls, but I was able to breathe easier once they left. The chances of someone spoiling the whole thing would be a lot slimmer now that communication had been cut back during their travels. But at that point, it had become a great game to me and having kept the secret so long was like a badge of honor. He would never in a million years expect this from timid little Dorkys and there was no way I was going to ruin it now. During our chats, I never let on that I was home packing my bags and researching Bangkok, that I wouldn't be working for nearly two weeks, and that I needed him to settle on a freakin' hotel for New Year's Eve already! Ky and I even dared to Skype along with him and go on about how we couldn't wait to see each other in the new year. "I miss you!" we'd giggle and A., that poor man, had absolutely no clue what plans were swirling around him.

We'd spend days after our reunion explaining our grand ruse and all the little ways we shielded him from the truth. And it took him a long time to believe the stunt I had managed to pull off.

Idealism and the Unknown

Jetlag can be a beast, I tell you. Since our return from Thailand, A. and I have found ourselves napping for hours on end (if sleeping for 3+ hours can still be considered napping), eating dinner at midnight, and waking up famished at five in the morning. Luckily, my sickly symptoms began taking a hike on my birthday, but this wretched weather is doing nothing to brighten the fact that we're back in the city instead of lounging by the warm sea.

Earlier today, a friend and I took to Facebook for a virtual pow wow on our creative pursuits. A recent change to my freelance hours due to budget cuts (yes, again) have left me a teeny bit uncertain about what direction to take things in and moments like these often lead me to toy with idealistic dreams.

"If you could live and do anything anywhere, where and what would that be?" I asked her.

As writers who yearn to travel the globe, we both mentioned moving overseas and working for ourselves. I don't know if it's because of all the traveling I've been doing or because I want a different pace of life and scenery to shake things up, but I've been growing tired of New York City. Thirty years and I admit I've yet to scratch the surface on all it has to offer, but seeing the same sights, walking the same streets, and feeling the constant push and pull is wearing out my soul.

"The boredom comes from knowing you could be doing more to fulfill your purpose," she said. "So what is stopping us?"

To this I listed three options: fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of giving up the life you've grown accustomed to. My poison is the last: it's scarier to give up the habits and life I've become comfortable with - even though they're not so satisfying - for something unknown. But like my friend was quick enough to remind me, there is also something exciting to be found in uncertainty.

Would you ever leave pieces of your current life behind for the chance to create something different elsewhere?


My Holiday Surprise for A.

I'm a fan of Grand Gestures. Blame Disney and telenovelas, but I love dramatic displays of romance and being swept off my feet and just because women are usually the ones who get wooed, there's no reason why I can't treat A. to a Grand Gesture, too. Something that will completely knock him on his ass and show him just how bold and amazing his girlfriend can be.

Keeping surprises are not my strong suit. If it's a good one, I just get so damn excited that I spill it before the big reveal. But this one I've been proudly holding onto since October - shortly after A. and our friend Ky decided that they would travel to Southeast Asia in December and through the holidays. So I thought, "Hey awesome self, how crazy would it be if I surprised A. in Thailand for New Year's Eve?" Very.

So guess where I am right now? Bangkok, fools!

I flew out of New York City Tuesday night and after what could only be described as "life," landed in Bangkok Thursday afternoon. I spent the day and a half that I had to myself exploring the city, making friends, and waiting for these two to return from their side trip to Cambodia. It's been two months of biting my tongue whenever A. talked about his upcoming itinerary with friends with so much excitement. ("I'm going, too!!" I wanted to yell.) Two months of secretly hashing out plans with Ky while my boyfriend remained completely clueless to our scheming. And after they departed, I spent too many nights fretting and second-guessing if this was such a good idea after all. The man does love his independence, you know, and I'd hate to have him feel like I was intruding on his trip.

But I felt this was right when he kept writing about how much he missed me, how he wish I were there enjoying these experiences with him. And I knew this would be a memorable moment when he finally saw me waiting for him on the hotel balcony and he ran up to kiss me not knowing if this was really happening.

It's been two hours and the man is still stunned, amazed, and beyond flattered that someone would go through all this trouble just to do something special for him. It was all worth it just to make him feel that happy, which in turn sent me over the moon.

Image: photo taken by Ky Huynh