Why is it so easy to just up and leave behind everything you built together? Granted, in these two cases - because really it's only a matter of time for that second pair - you can only put up with so much (A-Rod is a cocky punk and Mimi is a delusional diva).
I'd like to think I won't suffer the same fate as my parents, especially not after 20 years and three kids, but I guess you never know until you're in that situation yourself. I'd also like to believe that I'd do anything and everything to save the marriage/relationship and hope he'd do the same in turn. Maybe some people are lifers and others see relationships as dispensible. I don't know which team I bat for on that one. On one hand, I loved being in a serious, long term relationship and having just one guy in my life (my brain's too scattered to keep track of more than that). But then the other part of me figures it's only a matter of time until the relationship ends because really, doesn't everything end at some point? (Btw, so not the greatest mindset to have during a relationship. It only turns it into a self-fulfilling prophecy).
And that could be my pessimistic side, my "parents got divorced, so I probably will too" side, or my "this is so amazing that I'm unbelievably scared of what comes next" side. Most likely a combo of all three. But I'm interested to know: what do you guys think about divorce? Is it inevitable? Disheartening, considering the statistics? Most importantly, would you ever get one?