Angelina Jolie Undergoes Double Mastectomy

Sharing this for the few of you who might not have heard. Angeline Jolie penned an Op-Ed piece for the New York Times in which the actress reveals that she underwent three months of surgical procedures to remove both breasts as a preventative measure. Jolie, whose mother passed away from breast cancer at age 56, tested positive for the BRCA1 gene which increased her chances for the disease to 87 percent. Her risk dropped to five percent after the double mastectomy.

It's a powerful one that hit close to me. I was surprised that someone so praised for her sexy looks would go through a mastectomy just like that - for the sake of her health and for her children. I more than commend her for her bravery and for opening up about her experience so others can break their own silence and fears. Luckily, I tested negative for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that increase your risk for developing breast and ovarian cancers so I got away with a lumpectomy and radiation. Right now, I'm on Tamoxifen pills for five years to lower my chances of recurrence to about nine percent.

I don't know how I would've handled removing everything. I probably wouldn't have normalized as quickly as I have. Or maybe I would have, who knows? I feel that no matter how big or small your breasts are...they're still such a big part of femininity or at least that's what society has raised me to believe. I find myself dreading any trips to the beach just because I don't want to wear a bathing suit that'll reveal that my left boob is still slightly larger than the other, that the skin is still considerable darker as it continues to heal from the radiation treatment months ago, that I feel mangled and slightly damaged. But I'm still here, complete save for a small cancerous lump that foolishly tried to do me in.

"On a personal note, I do not feel any less of a woman," Jolie writes. "I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity."

Reading Jolie's piece also made me think about health care access and how many can't afford treatments or the reconstructive surgery that could accompany a mastectomy. Genetic tests - conducted through blood samples - can be a huge help when deciding how to proceed and allows you to be proactive with your health instead of just getting swept away by the tide. It also costs several thousand dollars and it saddens me to think of those who'll be taken by surprise simply because they didn't or couldn't know. Had I not made the decision to seek individual health insurance coverage a year before being diagnosed (I'm a freelancer and therefore not under my employer's coverage), I would be drowning in debt right now. The monthly premiums and out-of-pocket maximums are still astronomically high, but if I didn't have that, I would be adding medical payment plans to the student loans I already have. Cancer is costly in so many ways.

Typically cancer stories fill me with dread because the disease typically comes out of nowhere or there's news that it's spread or somebody finally lost their war, but this one was positive despite the drastic measure. It was good, it was strong, and it showed that breast cancer can be overpowered and any whisper of a risk can be decidedly stomped out. Here's hoping that everyone - regardless of socioeconomic status - will someday have the ability to be just as decisive and proactive about their own health without needing to choose between providing for their family's immediate needs and ensuring they'll be alive and well for many years to come.


{Happy Friday}

This week, while quite productive, was a bit of torture because I was suffering from insomnia for a few days straight. I'd wake up feeling so sick and zombified, nap attempts were accompanied by crazy dreams, and it felt like the back of my head weighed a ton. Has that ever happened to you?

In trying to come up with possible reasons for my sleeplessness (hard mattress, tossing and turning, my body becoming more used to my boyfriend's bed, heat, hunger, stress, not powering down before bedtime), I realized how lightening fast I usually fall asleep when I'm at A.'s house. It might sound like a good thing, but falling asleep within five minutes of lying down (like I do when I'm visiting him) is a sign of sleep deprivation. Even when I'm hyped and say "I'm not sleepy! I'm not sleepy! I'm not Zzzzzzzz..." I'm out as soon as my head hits the pillow! I just wish I felt refreshed when I got up in the morning.

I don't know what the underlying issues are, but I finally got a better night's rest last night after taking some NyQuil and a warm shower. Fingers crossed that the next few days continue to be a restful one because we're heading out on our road trip in just one week!Do you have any fun plans coming up?

Hope you monkeybutts have an awesome weekend and enjoy some link love:

Twelve modern beds I could probably sleep way better in.
A list of road trip apps that Dellah sent along to me. (Thanks, lady!)
I found the New York Times 36 Hours travel book for half off at Barnes and Noble!
The perfect cheese platter.
Nora Ephron's lists of what she'll miss and what she won't.
Tom and Katie to divorce while Adele expects her first child.
Ten good and cheap eats in New York City.
Need new calling cards?
Free design tutorials from Nicole's Classes.
A call for recipe + story submissions for an Oh My! Handmade kitchen party.


Happy Weekend!

The weekend is already half over, but I thought I'd pop in and wish you a wonderful one anyway. Yesterday, my friend/coworker The Bantu Girl and I walked from Times Square to Grand Central Terminal and made a few stops along the way: to see this "Read" sculpture in front of the Mid-Manhattan Library, hang out with a certain Oscar you all know and then visit a sweet boutique in Grand Central Terminal before parting ways.

Then I met up with A. for an unexpected date night. He invited me to Union Square for dinner and then we headed over to Max Brenner for Urban S'mores complete with tabletop fire, vials and tiny dishes filled with liquid chocolate, banana slices, peanut butter and raspberry sauce. The whole place was just perfect for a fun evening together.

I haven't been reading for fun much lately, but this trailer for "Room" has intrigued me.
Williams-Sonoma Message-in-a-Cookie Cutters. ( via The Secret Life of B)
Free paper toys to download.
For those who have a hard time sticking with one calendar design for an entire year: join this curious Calendar of the Month Club. (via Paper Crave)
Disney princesses as snarky hipsters and a judgmental ostrich bookseller.
A sweet V-day-themed engagement shoot and a cozy winter one, too.
One kite dress three ways. P.S. I cannot get over her hair! Love.
Take a photo with an actual Oscar statuette for free at Grand Central Terminal's Vanderbilt Hall through tomorrow 7 AM - 7 PM. Here's mine! (And check out The Bantu Girl.)