I Heart Town Shop

Today I finally went to the Mecca for bras. I’d been hearing about this so-called Town Shop from my coworkers for the past six months. About how awesome it is. About how you’re most definitely wearing the wrong size. About how everyone who's shopped there has been enlightened and amazed. But most of all about Eyvette, the miracle worker who will find your correct size just by looking at you – no matter how big or small you are.

Obviously I wasn’t buying into the hype until I was in that fitting room myself. And boy did I. Eyvette was just the sweetest woman who rolled in with cute piece after the cutest piece to try on – and she was pretty much spot on with the size each time! So as with every other person my friend/coworker has taken in, my first visit with Eyvette ended in hugs and thank yous.

So goodbye GapBody and hello Town Shop!

2273 Broadway at 82nd Street

Sigh, now if only I could easily find size 00 jeans at a store whose name does not start with Limited and end with Too…

Image: nytimes.com