A couple weeks ago, I finally started reading the addictive Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure. Several years ago, Smith Magazine asked its online readers to describe their lives in six words. Mine would say: Grounded girl still learning to fly.
Here a few of my fave:
I still make coffee for two. -Zak Nelson
Living for Jesus because Earth sucks. -Johnny Johnson
Found true love, married someone else. -Bjorn Stromberg
Found true love after nine months. -Jody Smith
Girlfriend is pregnant, my husband said. -Shonna MacDonald
My life is a beautiful accident. -J.D. Tenuta
Without me, it is just aweso. -Chris Madigan
Tried everything once, few things twice. -Ed Zevetski
Five feet, but in your face. -Toby Berry
What would yours say?
P.S. I'm tempted to grab their Love and Heartbreak edition, too!
Image: search.barnesandnoble.com