Broadway in Bryant Park: Week 2

[Ok, so I FINALLY managed to upload the video clips from last week's Broadway in Bryant Park. It only took forever! Hopefully I'll have better luck with today's performances.]

Two weeks ago, the annual Broadway in Bryant Park series started up again! And being a fan of all things free (especially previews of expensive Broadway plays) I went to last Thursday's performances.

Like last summer, I recorded the show and included it below. But unlike last year's clips, the video quality is better thanks to the Flip MinoHD I received last week! I didn't think you'd be able to hear much since I was a bit far from the speakers, but I think the sound is pretty good too. The only downside is that the video camera barely zooms in at all. Then again, I zoomed in so much with my digital camera the last time that the quality was pretty craptastic throughout.

Week 2's acts consisted of The Little Mermaid, 9 to 5, The Toxic Avenger, a hilarious musical about NYC's stinky neighbor to the west, and the über-boring (to me anyway) Pure Country.


- I first heard "She's In Love" last year and was so excited to hear it again with the cute little Flounder boy that I actually started singing it before it even began. (3:42)

- I never really listened to Dolly Parton and seriously thought about heading back to the office after The Little Mermaid was through, but luckily I stayed. I was mighty impressed by both songs!

- David Bryan from Bon Jovi was on hand to introduce The Toxic Avenger (he wrote its music and lyrics) and mentioned that the band will be releasing a new album at the end of the year.

- A butterfly fluttered by while Pure Torture was on stage and I found it more interesting than the songs. Maybe it was the humidity or the tiredness from holding up the camera for 40 minutes, but I was just not trying to listen to sappy country music in that heat. Exactly why the camera was all over the place; I wasn't paying attention. I do think that guy was gangster for plugging in the play in the middle of his song. (1:05)

*Last year's Broadway in Bryant Park weeks 2, 4, 5, and 6 parts A and B

*Originally I wanted all four clips in one video, but apparently YouTube has a limit on file size and time. I wish I'd known this before I spent 2.5 hours waiting for the thing to be created.