Happy Monday Night!

There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds. -G.K. Chesterton

Okay, okay so I totally missed Happy Friday last week...and a couple days before that. I'm still trying to adjust to my new schedule. Plus, I can't check anything fun at work (boo!) so that means no blog, no tweeting, no chatting, no nothing. I love that I feel so productive and actually have stuff to talk about with A. at the end of each day, but I feel way out of the loop! And now it takes extra effort to work on those side pursuits I was so excited about...

Are you guilty of these e-mail faux pas?
Some of these people are seriously sorry...and seriously funny.
How sweet is this candy "font?"
These whimsical pieces look like they jumped right out of a Dr. Seuss' book.
I've been wanting to switch my room's color pallet to black, white and red so I'm loving these rooms with pops of red.
Elegance meets trippy at the Murakami exhibition at Versailles.
Learn something new every day via creative illustrations. (Did you know Coca Cola kills insects?)
This little boy makes me smile. And want to do some stretches.

Image: flickr.com