I Can't Seem to Stand Still

No, really! The last couple of weeks have been so packed that if it weren't for my phone's agenda, I would've lost my head by now. I thought I'd share some of the craziness via picture overload of the following events:

New York Comic Con * Greetings from MochiMochi exhibition * Martinique press event * Creative, Inc. book party * A.'s birthday! * a short contest (I was actually taller!) * a friend's reading * baby shower after baby shower (congrats to Anonymous' sis for her cuuute baby boy!) * writing group meetings * lots of baseball watching (P.S. I haven't watched a single Phillies game this season. Guess that phase is over.)

Not pictured above: figuring out cute work outfits, A.'s discussion group meetings and my newest card designs.
Coming up next: a weekend trip to D.C. with A., employee perks (I'm about to hit up every museum in the city) and perhaps a visit from Mr. First's mom...

Images: some taken by Anonymous and Zack Hample