Happy Friday!

Guess what? Tomorrow A. and I celebrate our one year anniversary! By one year I mean from the day we met at that blogger meet-up because even though we started dating a few days later, we just never bothered to look that date up in a calendar and the 4th just stuck. We'll be seeing Black Swan, grabbing something to eat at some point in the day and then heading to a sexy party at night.

Even though I said no presents were necessary, I just couldn't resist making him a little gift this week. Using this DIY holiday mini book for inspiration, I made A. a tiny booklet made with textured paper and filled with lots of love. And because I'm the worst at keeping gifts a secret (are you?), I gave it to him last night. He was speechless and my head was quite woozy when he finally finished kissing me. I wish I could relive his reaction all over again. *Le sigh*

A Christmas candy box printable (+ tons of holiday tags and labels).
These mugs made me smirk.
WTF posters.
What a divine + sweet idea.
A simple yet festive holiday invite download.
A raindrop melody maker.
Such a colorful little tree, but too much work me thinks.
Loving this lace and stamps gift wrap idea.
A fun DIY advent calendar with window punch outs.

Artsy events this weekend:
Paper Source Brooklyn's Grand Opening Celebration
Martha Stewart Holiday Craft Sale
Holiday Handmade Cavalcade

Hope you have an awesome weekend!