Holiday Madness

With A. moving into the new apartment this weekend (we got the keys today!), me preparing Porcupine Hugs for the holidays, and a new part-time job helping a law firm with their website launch, things have been pretty crazy on my end. My mind has been swirling with gift tag designs, attorney bios, and packing up two households that will soon merge into one.

But I'm so excited by all the positive changes that are going on in my life. Next week, I'll be selling at the annual Holiday Handmade Cavalcade December 14 + 15 at The Space in Williamsburg, Brooklyn from 10am - 5pm. Not only is there a current raffle going on through the Etsy NY Team's Facebook page, but the first 100 people will receive a complimentary gift bag on each of the two days, there will be prizes raffled off throughout the event, and Brooklyn Brewery is sponsoring a free happy hour on both afternoons. So swing by to shop small, local, and handmade for the holidays.

I've been looking forward to this event since September, but for some reason the crazed factor always turns up to 11 the closer a market date draws near. For many of us, the holidays are the busiest times of the year and I'm just hoping all this work pays off. Not only does Porcupine Hugs offer single greetings cards and boxed sets, but today I launched the 2014 Wall Calendar! I know I'm biased, but holy crap it's so cute. Take a peek at the hand-illustrated beauty right here.

There are also gift tags and a special gift box set of 16 greeting cards, a hand-painted pencil, stickers, and a tag that'll have anyone prepared for whatever occasions might come their way. It's a great gift for the snail mail lovers on your list - or to just hog for yourself. Just promise you'll try to part with a least some of the cards, won't you?

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? My family is doing the Secret Santa thing for the second year in a row and I can't wait to start buying my person some awesomeness. I'll be keeping an eye out at the cavalcade as there will be all kinds of fun vendors there and it's important to support my fellow creatives.

To RSVP for the Holiday Handmade Cavalcade, click here and to enter the current raffle, click here.

Christmas Retreat

First off, thanks so much for the warm messages you all wrote to me last week. It was really touching to know that though we've never met, you guys took some time to send over words of encouragement and kindness. Here's hoping this all blows over soon and as painlessly as possible.

So how were your holidays? A. and I spent Christmas with his family in L.A. and it was really nice to get away for a few days. We'd made the plans in late November and after I received my diagnosis I was so intent on not changing my vacation plans no matter what happened. It was great not having to answer calls, accept invitations, entertain family, or spend my days thinking of what's been going on or what'll happen. I really needed to run away for a bit.

Can you believe that A. and I actually thought it would be a good idea to buy presents once we were there? We were running around malls on Christmas Eve still wondering what on earth to get the family and each other. Never again. We also went bowling (I sucked), played Catchphrase (so fun!), A.'s mom and I had a movie date to catch Les Misérables (did you watch?), and we all played with A.'s nephews who are the two cutest kids ever (see exhibits K and C). It's always hard saying goodbye to them so when I hugged and kissed the older one - who will be a whole two years old in a few weeks - my voice caught in my throat and I could only manage a whisper.

"Goodbye," he whispered back in imitation.

Each time I go, I could just stay there and on this trip I couldn't believe that it almost became real. A. and I had been seriously preparing for a possible move-in with his parents. After only being employed for three months out of the last 16, his finances were seriously dwindling and he was contemplating moving back to California at the end of the year to go for his college degree. Completely self-taught in his field, A. was starting to doubt how far he could go without a bachelor's degree in something or other. And because I would gladly support him and am fortunate that my current job only requires a computer with Internet connection, I would have left New York City with him. About a couple weeks before he would've had no other choice but to leave, he got a call back for a job he's been enjoying since.

Who knows what could have happened if we had left? With these recent events, I'm actually glad we stayed home where I have the support of family and friends and health insurance coverage. I still have every intention of moving away someday. I just have to take care of a few things first.


Thanksgiving Pecan Pie

Can you believe Thanksgiving is almost a week away? Yipers, this year (and all the other years before it, I know) has flown fast. After that the winter holidays will be upon us and let me tell you I cannot wait until the city is decked in lights and non-stop Christmas carols start playing on the radio. As much as the place irritates me at times, I still can't imagine being away from New York City during that time. The shop windows are already showing off holiday outfits and cozy wintry gear and the city received its first snowfall last week. I've also been drawing and painting up designs for this year's holiday cards so really I'm just waiting for when it's officially a sane time to be all about Christmas and the new year.

In the meantime, my close friend and master baker the Bantu Girl is selling gluten-free and corn syrup-free pecan pies made on a shortbread crust for Thanksgiving. The last day to place an order for her $15 6-inch pies is this Saturday, Nov. 17 so get your order in soon and you won't be that loafer that just eats and runs from your family dinner.


It's About Family

As usual, I spent the week leading up to Christmas running around starting and finishing my holiday shopping. (I always say I'll start earlier next year, but maybe I should just stop lying to myself.) Luckily, my sis and I teamed up for our parents and brother's gifts and spent a nice night going around trying to find good presents for them.

Unfortunately, my mom's side of the family suffered another loss this season when a younger cousin passed away. With most of our aunts and uncles in the Dominican Republic to celebrate the one year anniversary of our grandfather's passing, some of those who were still in the city went up to Massachusetts to pay their respects and lay him to rest. I decided to stay behind.

But a few days later, my siblings and I joined my cousins for a little party on Christmas Eve. Despite the tragedy and their missing parents, they decided to take it upon themselves to gather, cook, and celebrate the holiday together. It made my heart swell to see my generation and the young ones that follow us embracing family and navigating love and loss while lifting each other's spirits in joyous and sorrowful moments.


May Your Days Be Merry

Merry Christmas, everyone! I'd been so busy meeting up with friends and family, doing last-minute shopping, and listening to music that I never popped in to wish all of you a happy holiday. Hopefully you're all too busy doing the same - spending good times with loved ones - to have even noticed.