Thankful For...

Having a safe haven to call home every night. A dad who might have left the house, but never for one second even thought to leave any of our lives. A mom who shows she cares in her own ways. Siblings who never fail to make me smile with their silliness. A boyfriend who adores me, pushes me, and serves as never-ending practice in patience and understanding. Friends who are such huge sources of comfort and laughter. As a freelancer, I'm grateful to have a job I was able to switch into when I was laid off in the summer. I'm so thankful to finally (finally!) have health insurance after two years of buying into the Fingers Crossed policy. And I'm thankful to you, my little monkeybutts, for reading all about my ups and downs, the good and bad moments, the crazy and the sane over the last years. It feels like we've come a long way, huh?

Have a truly happy Thanksgiving.
