It's About Family

As usual, I spent the week leading up to Christmas running around starting and finishing my holiday shopping. (I always say I'll start earlier next year, but maybe I should just stop lying to myself.) Luckily, my sis and I teamed up for our parents and brother's gifts and spent a nice night going around trying to find good presents for them.

Unfortunately, my mom's side of the family suffered another loss this season when a younger cousin passed away. With most of our aunts and uncles in the Dominican Republic to celebrate the one year anniversary of our grandfather's passing, some of those who were still in the city went up to Massachusetts to pay their respects and lay him to rest. I decided to stay behind.

But a few days later, my siblings and I joined my cousins for a little party on Christmas Eve. Despite the tragedy and their missing parents, they decided to take it upon themselves to gather, cook, and celebrate the holiday together. It made my heart swell to see my generation and the young ones that follow us embracing family and navigating love and loss while lifting each other's spirits in joyous and sorrowful moments.
