{Happy Friday} In Nature

Needless to say I got a nice serving of nature during our two week road trip. Not only did I finally give camping a try and get close and personal with the flies in our RV, but I also enjoyed trekking through lush greenery (hoping we wouldn't encounter a bear) and then trying to capture the stars at night. For someone who loves shooting landscape photos and animals, it was a dream. Even A. was smitten with the scenery in Wyoming and Utah and I think he surprised himself when he was completely overtaken by how cute buffalo are. ("It's so fluffy!!") I actually had to keep the man from running out the door to hug one and get gored in the process.

I don't know where I'll end up setting my roots, but one things for certain: I'd be happiest near water. There's something about hearing a flowing river or just staring out onto a lake reflecting the sky above that's so meditative to me. Perhaps because it completes the trifecta needed to sustain life: air, earth, and water. I just hope things remain as they are so that someday my children can set off and see our beautiful environment as I had years before them.

Images: all mine except for buffalo and soaring eagle photos, which were taken by Andrew Gonsalves