Hi, I'm Dorkys! I'm a NYC-based magazine writer who dreams of someday living abroad and pursuing every creative endeavor I've ever wanted. I get giddy over pretty paper, can't handle scary movies and revert to my shy, awkward teen years whenever I find myself in room full of strangers. Moments alone in my apartment usually result in full-on solo karaoke/dance fests. I also tend to get very sarcastic in person (some say it's a defense mechanism, I say so what), but for every dose of tart, there's usually a nice helping of sweet to follow.

Eleven more things you should know about me:

1. I don't understand fashion or amassing a ridiculous amount of shoes and purses. I prefer sneakers and a messenger bag.

2. Sometimes it feels like every new friend I make in this city is a transplant. Where are all the natives?

3. I have a bachelor's degree in architecture, also known as the most torturous 4.5 years of my life.

4. I have this thing for the number 11 and collecting notebooks.

5. My boyfriend goes by the name of A. around these parts, but you can read more about him here. He comes off intellectual/serious sometimes, but he's one of the funnest people I know.

6. I'd like to start a stationery business someday.

7. I speed-walk even if I've no place to get to fast. Pet peeve: anyone who impedes me from doing so. Shout out to you tourists.

8. I laugh at my own jokes a little too loudly and for way too long. I mean someone has to, no?

9. I'm not a fan of cookies.

10. I've traveled to Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, St. Lucia, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Spain, Italy, Thailand, and 34 out of 50 states in the U.S.

11. New York City and I have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes I want to finally leave this place behind and other times, like when I'm walking through Central Park at dusk with the sounds of street musicians lining the paths, I can't imagine growing up anywhere else.

Dry As Toast is a place that not only chronicles my life, dreams, travels and New York City, but it's also a place I hope you find comfortable enough to share a piece of yourself too. A small corner where we can gather for a bit, share our goals and frustrations, laugh and find moments of inspiration along the way. I'll go first...