Pay with a Smile

Brazilian art director Lucas Jatobá is at it again. The creative soul behind Adeu, Barcelona and 30 Gifts to 30 Strangers reached out with another project to promote his company's new name - Project Change.

"Our company is changing its name from Euro RSCG Australia to Havas Worldwide. But we want to change more than that. So, we're launching Project Change - a series of actions to bring positive change in the world," Jatobá said. "The first thing we wanted to change was how miserable people are on their way to work. We did some research and found that 97% of Australians are unhappy commuting. So we went to the streets at peak hours in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and 'sold' delicious cookies for a very special price: you pay with your smile!"

How many of you sport a tired, frowny face when you're stuck waiting for the next train to arrive or are caught in bumper-to-bumper traffic? (*raises hand* Those stations can get so hot and crowded.) Now how nice would it be to unexpectedly find this happy troupe offering you a basket of cookies in exchange for a smile? I think I'd smile just watching the others so pleasantly surprised at the gesture. See, I don't like cookies very much, but this would be such a sweet surprise for the rest of you.

Now how else could we gather smiles from strangers? I think complimenting others more openly instead of keeping the thought, "Ooh, I love her haircut!" to myself is a good way to go. Don't you get a little giddy inside after someone offers you a genuine compliment? I sure do! Aaaand then I get all flustered and awkward because I just don't know how to deal with it all.
