Housewarming + 32

This weekend, A. and I had our first party in the new place to celebrate our housewarming and my 32nd birthday. It was so nice to finally have friends over to give them the grand tour and goof around. I even got to catch up with someone I hadn't seen in years and was really touched that he made the drive over for the evening.

Birthdays always leave me feeling sentimental and incredibly lucky. I have wonderful people in my life and I still get a little shocked when they come out to celebrate with me. Even though I was a bit nervous about how our separate social circles would mesh, our friends quickly connected and had a fun time playing games, listening to music, and eating snackies. Now we can't wait to host them again especially since we were left with a ton of food and wine that need to get consumed. Plus, it was nice to have the house full of people and chatter and buzz about the crowd.

Do you love hosting people or does it stress you out? I'm usually running around like a headless chicken up until it's go time and then everything I was worried about before is quickly forgotten about.