Would You Have a Big or a Small Wedding?

Let me start out by saying that we're not engaged nor are there plans (that I know of) to do so anytime soon. A. and I can't even have a discussion about weddings without getting into an argument about money and whether spending so much on just one day is the responsible thing to do. See, I'd love to have a celebration with friends and family someday and while I know there are so many ways to keep expenses down (and I'd want a sweet and simple affair anyway), it'll still cost a few thousand to pull it off.

I agree with A. to a certain extent: I'd like to save money for a house, to raise a family, or travel the world, but it would be special to have this beautiful moment, too. I think he fears that I'll go Bridezilla on him, requesting some high-end details, inviting guests we hardly even know, a big fat rock, and this big to-do, but he has to admit that I'm not that kind of girl. I didn't grow up planning out my wedding day just waiting to plop the guy into the scene. I don't have a Pinterest board filled with décor and dress inspiration. Heck, I never even wanted to get married until just a few years ago. But lately I've been envisioning an autumn wedding in the park with DIY touches, colorful scenery, and a dessert table. When he argues that weddings are just money down the drain he assures me that he wants one, but would like to know how we could keep costs down. Present him a case, if you will.

So I'd love to know: did you have a big or a small wedding? How did you stay within your budget? Or did you blow it altogether?

And if you haven't tied the knot yet, what would your wedding be like? Or would you elope?! I have a close friend who ran off to marry her love and I remember being so shocked and thrilled for her when she told me what she planned to do. I think the older I get the less hoopla I need, but I'll still be wanting to walk down the aisle with my father, say some sweet words to my husband-to-be, and have a day that's all about us. How selfish does that sound?

Image: stylemepretty.com