DIY Art for Our Home

I'm happy to say that our apartment no longer has bare walls. After a few months of living in our new place and stalling on decorating it, I caught the creative bug and started churning out project after project in just two weeks' time. I just couldn't stop.

First, I wanted to create a photo collage wall in our foyer to showcase photos from our travels and of our families. That IKEA saleslady might have looked at me crazy as I laid out all those frames across their displays to envision what the wall could look like, but it was worth it to have a good sense of what I was working with. I took photos before throwing the frames in my cart and then recreated the layout on top of a large roll of paper. I traced around the frames and marked the exact spot where the hook was before cutting out each shape. Then I taped the paper to the wall, took a step back to see how it looked overall and made necessary tweaks to the layout. Once I was satisfied with how it all looked, I nailed hooks right through the paper, tore the sheet off, and replaced it with the frame.

Next, I approached A. with the idea of painting a wall in our kitchen with chalkboard paint, which he loved. We put it to good use when my sister and her boyfriend came over for dinner a couple weeks ago.

Benjamin Moore (and other brands, I'm sure) now make it easy to have chalkboard paint made in any of their colors. In fact, here's how you can DIY your own batch with some non-sanded grout if you have any leftover paint at home. Prepping the paint after it was applied was a pain in the ass though as we had to cover the entire wall with chalk and then erase it all. An easy feat, you'd think, but there we were busting out rags, mixing vinegar and water concoctions, even scrubbing the wall with a toothbrush to get the wall as clean as when it was freshly painted. I was hesitant to ever draw on it again, but thankfully we've since been able to wipe the chalk off with just a damp paper towel. Maybe we just went too hard with that first round.

The office, where I spend the majority of my day, still needed a couple touches of my personality - mainly on the big blank walls right in front of my desk. I started with a few picture ledges from IKEA. At $10 and $15 each they were fairly inexpensive and allows me to display the things that make me happy (like my washi tape collection, books, and prints) and change things out without leaving too many marks on the wall. For prints, I ended up purchasing The Every Girl's Success Is Not Easy print in navy and gold and Emily McDowell's colorful print on comparison. Both are great reminders for me.

What else makes me smile? Color. Lots of it. So about a million punch cuts of paper butterflies later, I created this colorful wall installation. Beside the aching palm after punching all that paper, it was incredibly easy to do. Just lightly draw a path on the wall in pencil and then affix each butterfly along that path with either glue dots or double-sided tape.

That was immediately followed by a raincloud piñata because why not? The project took about an afternoon to make and once you learn the basic steps behind a DIY cardboard piñata (mine is empty by the way), you could dream up all kinds of shapes and ideas to deck in crêpe paper fringe. See?

For the living room wall behind the couch I knew I wanted to go big and in multiples so I bought three 24" x 36" canvases from and after drawing out a pattern on paper, laying on the masking tape, and deciding on a colorway, I went to town with the acrylic paint.

This project couldn't have taken more than four/five hours total and the only stressful part was making sure I mixed enough paint of any custom color to cover the necessary areas without being left with too much unused. I knew if I had to mix another batch, it would be incredibly difficult to land the exact shade again. I guess I was also worried that the colors would look crazy once the canvases dried, but I was so happy to wake up the following day, pull off the tape, and see how my latest masterpiece turned out. What do you think?

A Little Porcupine Hugs Update

I figured since Porcupine Hugs is slowly consuming more and more of my time, I'd give you guys a little update on how my stationery business is going. The collection is slowly growing (there are now nearly 70 items in the shop!) and I'm so happy that I got the ball rolling last year. I know I'd be kicking myself now thinking of how much progress I could have made if I'd only taken that first step. To be honest, sometimes I still do when I think of where I'd be now if I had started six years ago when I first toyed with the idea. Oh well, baby steps, right?

Right now I'm finishing up the first catalog for wholesale inquirers. I have a list of stores around the country that I'd love to approach and will be sending out mailers letting retailers know what we're all about. Hopefully some decide that they simply must stock Porcupine Hugs in their shop and I get some constructive feedback that will help me develop the line even further.

My pie-in-the-sky goal (aside from finally getting this catalog out the door) is to exhibit at the National Stationery Show in 2015. It's such a big deal and while I'm a bit bummed that I won't be able to make it work for 2014 due to having to pay off a major unforeseen inconvenience (coughcancercough), I'm setting my plan in motion now to prepare for the following year. It's good to have something to strive for and I feel like it's attainable if I start aiming for it now. Not only do I want to make a big splash for my debut with a kickass product line and booth to match, but giving myself time to grow and learn from my customers will also make my business stronger and leave me better able to handle that next step. At least that's what I'm telling myself so I can bury the idea of NSS 2014 into the ground.

For now, I'm having fun selling at various street fairs over the weekends. I've already sold at the Artists & Fleas market in Brooklyn and the Hester Street Fair in the Lower East Side and had a fun time at both. There's nothing like connecting with your customers face-to-face, hearing the stories behind their purchases, and getting feedback on what you're offering and what they'd like to see. I'll be returning to Hester Street Fair Sept. 28 and Oct. 12, both Saturdays. I'm also participating in the Crafts in Chelsea Fall Festival Oct. 5 so this fall is turning into a busy season, which is perfect by me.

But wait, there's more! This Sunday, Sept. 22 join me at Montague Street's Summer Space in Brooklyn Heights from 1pm - 4:30pm for a free crafting demonstration with the Etsy New York team. I'll be showing how to make cute mini books like this one I made as a gift for A. for our one year anniversary. Two years later, it became the inspiration for Porcupine Hug's Why I Love You card.

While you're there be sure to check out the Afro-Brazilian samba reggae performance by an all-women's drumming band, free yoga and Zumba workouts, food and games courtesy of local merchants, and the Brooklyn Heights dog show.

So yup! That's what's been going on with Porcupine Hugs these days. To keep up to date with behind-the-scenes peeks, events and fairs, special promotions and new product releases, please sign up for our newsletter and check the links below:

Twitter: @dorkysramos
Instagram: @dorkysramos

Summer Adventures

You guys we're heading on our cross-country road trip in just three days and I've been so anxious! I know it's going to be a blast and all, but I'm such a worry-wart that I'm sure it's a reason why I still haven't been able to sleep well the last two weeks. What if the RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere or one of us falls off the edge of the Grand Canyon Mufasa-style?? Plus, I've had other things on my mind and well, let's just say a couple areas need a revamp or get chucked altogether. It's just going to take a wee bit of bravery to speak up for myself. Are any of you good at that?

On a side note, this trip has finally spurred me to make some new business cards to take along with me. Since I'll be working and pitching ideas from the road, it can't hurt to have something to give business owners after I ask if I can take some photos for a blog post or story. So I made these inspired by Ellie Snow's design for Mint back in 2010, which were super simple and cute. Now I just need a little holder for them.

I know I'll be doing lots of mulling over and acting on things to do after I return. The beautiful countryside and open roads are sure to spark an inspiration or two so here's to going with the wind and returning with good stories to tell!

Do you have any fun road trip stories or photos to share? If so, I'd love to spotlight your trip on Dry As Toast! If you're interested in contributing while I'm on the road, shoot me an email at dorkysramos[at]

P.S. What are you guys doing for the 4th of July? I just bought a shutter release cable for our camera and would love to shoot some fireworks if I could just manage the crowds.


{Happy Friday}

Happy weekend everyone! The skies opened up today and the thunderstorms have finally brought in a breeze around here. In fact, another downpour is about to begin any minute now...

Stay cool, savor the first weekend of the summer, and enjoy these finds from around the web.

Make stirrers for your summer cocktails.
Three fun ice cube ideas.
A Bakers Stock giveaway. (Love those cupcake liners!)
Make an ombre painted picnic blanket.
DIY Fourth of July tea towels.
Rue's June issue is all about travel and adventure.
DIY rotating goal list. (via Oh, Hello Friend)
Pinwheel inspiration. When was the last time you made one?
An impressive bucket list + "Before I die I want to..."
Dancing Matt is back! Remember his awesome 2008 video? I wish I had his life...

Oh! And there comes the rain! Don't you just love the smell of a summer storm?

{Happy Weekend}

Even though my allergies are starting to kick in, I can't get enough of this wonderful weather. Perfect time to head to Central Park or sit at an outdoor cafe and quietly judge all the people passing by. By the way, did everyone and their moms procreate over the winter?? Looks like baby strollers are in style this season.

Order the best arugula and apple salad here and delicious huevos rancheros here.

A meditation tip.


A time-lapse food tour through Melbourne.

A harmonica player's shining moment.

Dyed paper towels.

How to plan a business launch.

Free arrow Photoshop brushes and photo templates.

Balloon bowls.