{Happy Friday}

Happy weekend everyone! The skies opened up today and the thunderstorms have finally brought in a breeze around here. In fact, another downpour is about to begin any minute now...

Stay cool, savor the first weekend of the summer, and enjoy these finds from around the web.

Make stirrers for your summer cocktails.
Three fun ice cube ideas.
A Bakers Stock giveaway. (Love those cupcake liners!)
Make an ombre painted picnic blanket.
DIY Fourth of July tea towels.
Rue's June issue is all about travel and adventure.
DIY rotating goal list. (via Oh, Hello Friend)
Pinwheel inspiration. When was the last time you made one?
An impressive bucket list + "Before I die I want to..."
Dancing Matt is back! Remember his awesome 2008 video? I wish I had his life...

Oh! And there comes the rain! Don't you just love the smell of a summer storm?

The "Pregnant and Naked" Magazine Covers

Okay, can someone please tell me what's up with this clichéd move for pregnant celebrities to appear naked on magazine covers? The latest star to jump on the bare belly bandwagon is Jessica Simpson who channels Demi Moore's iconic 1991 Vanity Fair pose on the cover of Elle's April issue. The 31-year-old star is expecting her first child with husband Eric Johnson so naturally she had to tell the world all about it by stripping off her clothes and flaunting her belly. How original.

Look, I'm not a complete prude when it comes to nudity; it's the complete lack of originality that irks me. Not only has Simpson followed the maternity mag cover trend, but Elle didn't even make this moment their own. When photographer Annie Leibovitz's portrait of Moore appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair, it was instantly a provoking image that certainly caused a commotion. It was unexpected and poked at the edges of how society felt about a pregnant woman's body. On it's own it was graceful, but I believe 13 years and countless copycats have turned this into another gimmick to sell issues.

I understand that the female body, capable of bringing life into this world, is incredible, beautiful, and should be celebrated not shrouded in cover-ups and moo-moos, but I don't understand why this celebration has to take place on such a public platform and why everyone has to do the exact same thing. It's okay celebs, you don't have to share everything with us! By all means keep a little something for yourselves. This should be a sacred moment between the parents and baby and b(e)aring all for the world to see just for a feature seems a bit sad and overly done.

Is it just me or are the "pregnant and naked" magazine covers played out? Do you enjoy them? Am I just uneasy because there's so much more skin to show when you're almost ready to pop? Some of these just don't even seem tasteful to me - just another call for attention.

(By the way, I'm also annoyed by the "I'm Gay!" magazine covers because homosexuality just shouldn't be earth-shattering news anymore. You never see any "I'm Straight!" covers do you?)

Images: omg.yahoo.com, vanityfair.com, hollywood.com, dailymail.co.uk, usatoday.com, hollywood.com, lifeandstylemag.com, and blackthespian.com

{Wanderlust} Wayfare Magazine

If you know me, you know I love to either travel or dream of where I should head next. So I'm kicking off this new weekly series with a brand new lifestyle/travel publication that's just launched! Wayfare Magazine, created by Anne S. Ditmeyer of  Prêt à Voyager and a team of globetrotters, celebrates the art of the journey.

"We recognize that travel is not defined by how many miles you cover," the website states. "It’s about finding inspiration along the way and celebrating the everyday moments. It’s about the spirit of discovery – breaking out of your routine to unwind, connect, and learn. It’s this desire to go, to celebrate and to experience that drives everything we do."

I've learned so much about myself when I've literally flown right through my bubble and landed someplace new, scary, and exciting. And that thrill you feel when you've pushed past the routine and see things in a new light? It is so addicting. The more I travel, the more I want to explore, live, and devour the world. It's like this fire kindling inside me that won't let me settle for "just this." There's too much more out there to discover.

Check out the pilot issue of Wayfare here and get a daily dose of inspiration, travel notes, and design finds on their blog. The photography in the magazine is absolutely dreamy. Which reminds me...remember when I went to Thailand to surprise A. for the new year and never shared the details of that adventure with you? Well it's finally coming next week!

Where have you been lately? Anybody going to The New York Times Travel Show this weekend? I am!

Image: wayfaremag

Happy Friday!

I swear doing these Happy Friday posts is really making me feel like every single week is flying by. Didn't the last one post yesterday?! Anywho, what do you guys have going for the weekend? Tonight I'm going bowling having tacos and frozen margaritas with Anon. and Heidi while partaking in lots of girl chat. Tomorrow I'm hosting some writerly friends and I'm excited to finally get some people up in this apartment! It's empty far too often and could use a little noise and chattering that doesn't come solely from my radio.

Some links from the around the web:

1. Design*Sponge's gift guide for book lovers.
2. How to make a garland of mini presents.
3. Pretty watercolor cards with delicate winter scenes.
4. How to survive the holidays when you're single.
5. My friend just launched her relationship column on Loop21!
6. The adorable Ickle and Lardee enjoy their new couch.
7. Cinnamon Bun Eggnog Martini. (Confession: I've never had eggnog. Is it any good?)
8. Tiny button ornaments. (via Babble.com)
9. I'm loving Therese Sennerholt's bold prints.
10. Vanity Fair's Graydon Carter remembers essayist Christopher Hitchens who died Thursday.

Have a blissful weekend everyone. One more week until the jolly fat man comes to town.

Images: designsponge.com, ohhappyday.com, bara.bigcartel.com, emandlo.com, loop21.com, mymilktoof.blogspot.com, thepinkandblueblog.com, marthastewart.com, theresesennerholtshop.se, and vanityfair.com

Happy Friday!

Hi peeps! Winter temperatures are slowly dragging in around here and I've been keeping warm inside this new café crush I've got going these days. That's right! I've finally found a nice, chill spot down in the Village where I can write, read, and sip on the best caramel apple cider I've ever tasted. Just thinking about heading down to The Vagabond Café makes me feel all mmm because they've got free live music going several nights a week, the owners are down-to-earth (Mike even sings and is playing a mean guitar right now), and I'm pretty sure I'm thisclose to saying, "I'll have the usual" upon walking in and getting my mug of hot cider. Haven't you always wanted a place like that?

Here are 10 other things that have made me happy this week and yipers, can you believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away?!

1. Twelve soft, warm, and cozy throw blankets.
2. Words to live by.
3. S'mores cupcakes.
4. Network, share, learn, and dream with other creative bloggers.
5. Sixty-three points against Bradley Cooper's Sexiest Man of the Year title. (Do you agree?)
6. Designers share their music mixes. (via August Empress)
7. These entries for National Geographic's Photo Contest 2011 are breathtaking.
8. A curious little piggy bank.
9. This couch makes me want to move out and buy all my furniture again.

And 10. Congrats to Joyce and her little baby boy!

Images: joannagoddard.blogspot.com, flickr.com, call-me-cupcake.blogspot.com, blogbrunch.com, buzzfeed.com, augustempress.com, boston.com, bblinks.blogspot.com, and design-milk.com